Reading Material


Items in the Reading Material Collection

In this report, Bryan, later a geology professor at Harvard, surveyed the wells, streams, stock ponds, and natural waterholes from Tucson to Yuma, including the Tohono O’odham Reservation. The results reveal how precious water really is and how…

Journalist Lake (1889-1964) interviewed the laconic Earp during his last days and produced this epic biography that, along with movies and a 1950s television series, transformed the relatively unknown frontier lawman into a western icon. Despite its…

Hall (1870-1943) was Arizona’s first territorial historian, appointed only after much lobbying of politicians by herself and friends. It was her vision to turn the territorial governor’s home (a log cabin that can hardly be termed a…

Composed while the army-scout-turned-range-war-assassin was awaiting execution for the murder of a fourteen-year-old-boy in Wyoming, Horn’s colorful autobiography provides an entertaining, if greatly embellished and frequently inaccurate, view of…

In her engaging memoir, she writes with clarity and insight of round ups and branding, cats and dogs, cattle and other critters, and, above all, of life and work adapted to the rhythms of the changing seasons and the demands of a beautiful but…